Bite-Sized Learning Strategy

Learning Strategy

If you are constantly tired of looking up strategies on how to sell courses online, you might want to first implement useful teaching styles. Your course needs to be set apart from other courses to attract students and parents.

Think from a student’s point of view, what outcome do they get from your launch course using best platform to sell courses online? Is it a unique strategy that they admire, or are your consent years of experience, networking, and professionalism? More than anything, an online course needs the combination of the best of these features. Marketing and digitalization strategies also go a long way in driving student traffic to your website.

Bite-sized learning is a learning strategy that goes a long way once implemented in every course. Traditional teachers have been practicing this without even realizing it. It is a learning procedure for kindergarten and elementary level students to allow them to absorb and indulge in information without feeling overwhelmed.

Since elementary and kindergarten students are in their learning stage, teachers must commit to activities that draw their attention. Their attention span is small but full of energy- they tend to utilize their complete focus and lose it almost immediately once they are no longer interested in a topic. A tactful teacher can use this maximized attention span, no matter how little, to teach them efficiently. 

What is bite-sized learning?

It is not as simple as dividing and using short attention spans. Consider a hungry person who would faint almost immediately if not provided with something healthy and filling. No matter how hungry they are, they will not consume more than what fills them. This is called diminishing marginal utility, the more of a particular food item they consume, the lesser satisfaction they will draw. Plus they also need to lead some room in their stomach for a dessert.

Our conclusion is that smaller portions of a diverse range of items are well suited for an individual, especially when hungry. It is nutritious and great at stimulating their mood too.

In a classroom, students need to be hungry for information. Only then would they be able to consume various subjects in shorter spans, with some break in between to leave room for recreation. Bite-sized learning is a technique of delivering complex information in small portions so that students absorb it, and have enough time to revise and recall it later.

Implementing bite-sized learning

Stick to single topics

Bite-sized learning is impossible without sticking to single topics. Students get overwhelmed easily, especially due to overstimulation and consumption of the same media. However, this does not indicate that teachers cannot introduce complex topics in the classroom. An educator must teach whichever topics they desire, but make every session based on one idea or concept only. Over-crowding of information hindrance students from focusing on the main topic.

Schedule short sessions

A short session is not longer than 30 minutes to the most, and at least 20 minutes. Depending on a topic’s intensity, you can divide a session into two parts of 20 minutes each. Your goal here is to adopt a teaching style that allows students to retain information while engaging with one another. A break between 2 short sessions can allow for socializing among student groups and teachers.

Provide diversified resources

A student engaging in bite-sized learning will have the willingness to look up information received in each session. The Internet has a wide userbase- not every kind of data is meant for particular class grades. As a teacher, it is your responsibility to include diversified relevant data resources. They will prefer your course over other competitors if you provide professionally approved quality reading material.

As a teacher, you need to come up with innovative ways and means to come up with the educational resources. One great way that you can check out is using platforms like the piratebay and downloading the best e-books and other educational literature. It is pretty simple. You can download whatever you are teaching to your students and download the same in PDF format. Once you have the PDF, you can simply attach into the class email group and share with everyone.

Categorize student learning proficiency

Student assessment and understanding their learning progress or proficiency is important to implement bite-sized learning. It is a learning strategy that benefits all students because it supports every child individually. You can add short revision or recap sessions or record all your session classes on single topics that students can download and refer to before assessments.

The best method to categorize students according to their learning proficiency is to take short skills and surveys every week. It serves two purposes, teachers remain aware of who pays attention in classes and determine the strengths and weaknesses of students; and for students, it helps them revise and remain up to date with every topic.

Magazine Module : What Are Some Ways Students Can Make Sure That They Can Undertake Good Revision.

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