A Guide to Understand Human Body and Its Anatomy

The human body is actually an amazing coalition of many different systems that work together to ensure that everything is working properly. For example, some systems process food and energy, while others focus on taking oxygen and moving it around the body. By learning more about the different systems that work in your body, you can understand how everything works together to maintain health, growth, and strength.

Nervous system

Your brain and spinal cord are the most important parts of the central nervous system. Various parts of your body send messages to the brain through your nerves and spinal cord. When your brain receives these messages, it reacts by interpreting and reacting to the messages. The brain can then send instructions to the body.  

  • Department of the Nervous System: The nervous system works to send signals through the body. 
  • Nervous system: Doctors assess that every person’s brain has about 100 billion neurons liable for sending and collecting messages.
  • About the nervous system: The central nervous system comprises the brain and spinal cord.

Endocrine system

The endocrine system handles many different things. This system sends hormones around the body, which are chemicals that tell cells what to do. Many different activities take place under the care of the endocrine system, this system is kind of tricky to understand as well but no worries since online courses are available with TangoLearn to help in understanding that how things work. For example, the body sleeps at night, wakes up in the morning, cells grow, and organs function in certain ways.

  • Endocrine system: Hormones move through the blood throughout the body to perform important functions thanks to the endocrine system.
  • Intestinal endocrine system: The endocrine system aids digestion when the stomach and intestines secrete hormones. 
  • Endocrine system: Think of hormones as small messenger substances that move around the body to handle problems such as organ function and appetite. 
  • Endocrine system overview: Hormones affect growth and development because they send different messages about when they grow.

Respiratory system

Inhaling air and using the oxygen contained in it is the most important function of the respiratory system. The body inhales air through the nose and mouth. When you exhale, carbon dioxide is emitted from your body.

  • Respiratory system: The respiratory system is responsible for removing carbon dioxide from the body and keeping the blood filled with oxygen.
  • Information about the respiratory system: The respiratory system includes the lungs and the airways that enter and exit them. 
  • Respiratory anatomy: The nose, mouth, throat, trachea, bronchi, and lungs are part of the respiratory system.

Cardiovascular system

The circulatory system is responsible for transporting substances through the body. A system of veins and arteries that allows blood to move continuously throughout the body. Blood carries chemicals where they are needed, as well as waste products that are excreted by the body. The circulatory system is very important because it works with all other systems and organs in the body.

  • Cardiovascular function: The circulatory system plays several important roles in the body, including the transport of waste products and hormones.
  • Cardiovascular disorders: People with cardiovascular disorders may have problems with abnormal blood pressure or heart rate.
  • Human circulatory system: The circulatory system works with the lymphatic system to move water and nutrients around the body.
  • Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system: Exercise is suitable for the circulatory system. The faster your heart beats, the better it is to carry oxygen around your body.

Digestive system

 The digestive system is responsible for taking in the food you eat and converting it into the energy your body needs to function. With each bite, saliva begins to work immediately and prepares to swallow food.  After swallowing food, it travels down the esophagus to the stomach for digestion. Food then travels through the intestines, where the digestive system is broken down and absorbs the body’s nutrients.

 Why do you need a digestive tract? The digestive system is responsible for processing the food you ingest into energy. 

  • Digestive system overview: Salivary glands help break down food and initiate the digestive process. 
  • Digestive system: You may be surprised to know the length of the entire human digestive tract. The system can be up to 30 feet long when stretched and measured.

The immune system

 The human body needs to protect itself from bacteria and infectious diseases. The immune system is the body’s protective shield against unknown things such as viruses and parasites. When the immune system detects a foreign body, it attacks it and protects the body. For example, when bacteria enter the body through the mouth, the immune system sends white blood cells to kill the invading bacteria. White blood cells may win and not get sick. In other cases, white blood cells cannot stop the disease and you get sick. When this happens, the white blood cells will continue to fight until you are well.

  • Immune System: The immune system plays a role in protecting the body from bacteria and viruses that can make the body sick. 
  • Immune System Overview: A healthy immune system knows how to find harmful invaders.
  • Rebooting the immune system: If the body is injured or ill, the immune system is responsible for healing to make the body healthy again.

Muscular system

There are three types of muscular system: heart muscle, skeletal muscle, and spontaneous muscle. The heart muscle is in the heart, and these muscles are responsible for pumping blood. Smooth muscle works in your body for functions such as digestion of food. Spontaneous muscles are the muscles that the brain controls to move the body.

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