8 Things to Know About Chest Pain in Children 

It may give you Goosebumps if your child complains about chest pain. Well, the first thought that crosses the mind is what causes the pain in the chest or there may be another cause, such as bone joint, mental health conditions, or respiratory muscles.

Sometimes, it is not common to experience chest pain which often goes on its own. But parents must need to know what conditions can cause chest pain and when they need to contact the doctor.

Let’s explore some reasons that can cause chest pain in children.

What conditions affect the heart? 

Having chest pain does not mean it is due to a heart issue but a study reveals the fact that some visits to doctors (less than two percent) for children were heart-related causing conditions.

A pediatric cardiologist in Karachi says that some other symptoms are also associated with chest pain in children, such as fainting, dizziness, and blood pressure changes.

Let’s learn about the heart conditions associated with chest pain in children.

Myocarditis and pericarditis 

Viral or bacterial infections can cause heart conditions. It might be possible that your child has been infected by a virus that comes with chest pain associated with other symptoms, such as fainting, dizziness, and shortness of breath (myocarditis).

Chest pain that goes to the left shoulder is pericarditis. Some other conditions can trigger it, such as breathing deeply, coughing, and lying on the back.

Coronary artery disease

A coronary artery disease may cause chest pain. It brings on some other symptoms, like pressure in the chest and tightness.

 It occurs when your child gets engaged in physical activity. Some other conditions are associated with coronary artery diseases, such as heart surgeries, and transplants.

Congenital anomalies of the heart 

It is a type of heart condition that is diagnosed early in the life of your child. Before birth, a part of the heart did not develop which resulted in this condition. It has different symptoms, such as chest pain. Some other congenital heart conditions cause chest pain, such as:

  • Pulmonary valve stenosis
  • Coarctation of the aorta
  • Eisenmenger syndrome

Here are some other conditions that can affect your lungs. 

Chest pain is not always caused by the heart but it can be due to lung damage. Your child may have developed a respiratory condition that brings on symptoms like chest pain.

Respiratory infections 

Your child may complain about chest pain which can be caused by an infection in the respiratory system. Bronchitis and pneumonia are the infections that can cause these symptoms. It is associated with some other symptoms, like low energy, fever, cough, etc.


Children with asthma may experience chest pain. It is also associated with other symptoms, like coughing, sneezing, and shortness of breath. Some preventive and rescue medications can help to treat asthma.

Pulmonary embolism 

It is a condition that occurs as the result of blood clots that form in the lung arteries. These blood clots interfere in the normal blood flow. It comes with some other symptoms, such as blue color on fingers and lips, coughing up blood, etc.

Some other conditions related to mental health also cause chest pain. 

Some mental health conditions also cause chest pain. Anxiety is one of the common reasons that cause hyperventilation. It is associated with chest pain and other symptoms, like dizziness. Experts say that stress can also cause chest pain.

Puberty also causes chest pain to the breast during changes in hormonal levels. It can affect any gender whether it’s your son or daughter.

Some conditions also affect the bones and muscles in the chest leading to chest pain. Repeated movement can help to find out about such pain.

It involves muscle strain, contusion, Tietze syndrome, Costochondritis, etc.

Wrapping Up

If your child complains about chest pain, you just need to get medical help. The doctor will diagnose the cause and ask about associated symptoms. It might be possible that physical activity is the cause of the chest pain but there may be another cause. If there is someone in your family with a heart condition, your family is also at risk of developing cardiac issues. You need to visit a doctor for a regular checkup and follow the prevention tips.

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